[R-sig-phylo] Interpretation of standard errors of parameter estimates in OUwie models
Rafael S Marcondes
2018-04-04 19:30:53 UTC
Dear all,

I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.

I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color varies
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models, but I
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically given
up on them for now.

But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other selective
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes than on
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats tend
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).

I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those

Thanks a lot for any help,

*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)

Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA

Twitter: @brown_birds <https://twitter.com/brown_birds>
William Gearty
2018-04-04 19:59:02 UTC
Hi Rafael,

Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the AICc
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should make
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could indicate
that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model isn't
necessarily suitable.

Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color varies
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models, but I
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically given
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other selective
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes than on
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats tend
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

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Rafael S Marcondes
2018-04-04 20:06:31 UTC
Yup, I ran all models available in OUwie and support generally follows
model complexity. From greater to lesser support: OUMVA, OUMV, OUM, OU1,

*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)

Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Post by William Gearty
Hi Rafael,
Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the AICc
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should make
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could
indicate that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model
isn't necessarily suitable.
On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Rafael S Marcondes <
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color varies
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models, but I
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically given
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other selective
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes than on
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats tend
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Searchable archive at
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
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Jacob Berv
2018-04-04 20:07:34 UTC
Even if those models may fit the data better, they may not necessarily help Rafael determine whether or not the parameter estimates of interest are different across regimes (though perhaps BMS might be informative).

Rafael, maybe you could try fixing the ancestral regimes to match most likely states for each node from your SIMMAP summary? I wonder if that might decrease your ‘uncertainty’ in parameter estimates.

I don’t have a great answer for your main question though, which is a good one.

Post by William Gearty
Hi Rafael,
Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the AICc
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should make
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could indicate
that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model isn't
necessarily suitable.
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color varies
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models, but I
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically given
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other selective
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes than on
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats tend
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
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Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-sig-***@r-project.org/
Brian O'Meara
2018-04-04 20:24:22 UTC
Hi, Rafael et al.

?OUwie has some information on the standard errors:

The Hessian matrix is used as a means to estimate the approximate standard
errors of the model parameters and to assess whether they are the maximum
likelihood estimates. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated
values of alpha and sigma^2 are computed as the inverse of the Hessian
matrix and the standard errors are the square roots of the diagonals of
this matrix. The Hessian is a matrix of second-order derivatives and is
approximated in the R package numDeriv. So, if changes in the value of a
parameter results in sharp changes in the slope around the maximum of the
log-likelihood function, the second-order derivative will be large, the
standard error will be small, and the parameter estimate is considered
stable. On the other hand, if the second-order derivative is nearly zero,
then the change in the slope around the maximum is also nearly zero,
indicating that the parameter value can be moved in any direction without
greatly affecting the log-likelihood. In such situations, the standard
error of the parameter will be large.
For models that allow alpha and sigma^2 to vary (i.e., OUMV, OUMA, and
OUMVA), the complexity of the model can often times be greater than the
information that is contained within the data. As a result one or many
parameters are poorly estimated, which can cause the function to return a
log-likelihood that is suboptimal. This has great potential for poor model
choice and incorrect biological interpretations. An eigendecomposition of
the Hessian can provide an indication of whether the search returned the
maximum likelihood estimates. If all the eigenvalues of the Hessian are
positive, then the Hessian is positive definite, and all parameter
estimates are considered reliable. However, if there are both positive and
negative eigenvalues, then the objective function is at a saddlepoint and
one or several parameters cannot be estimated adequately. One solution is
to just fit a simpler model. Another is to actually identify the offending
parameters. This can be done through the examination of the eigenvectors.
The row order corresponds to the entries in index.matrix, the columns
correspond to the order of values in eigval, and the larger the value of
the row entry the greater the association between the corresponding
parameter and the eigenvalue. Thus, the largest values in the columns
associated with negative eigenvalues are the parameters that are causing
the objective function to be at a saddlepoint.
You can get better (by which I mean more accurate) estimates by parametric
bootstrapping (simulation).

Doing a quick summary of your OUM results (code at end):

Trait: contr
nonfor: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
inter: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
fores: 0.13 (-0.13, 0.39)
Phylogenetic half life: 0.06
Tree height: 28.34

Trait: cshd
nonfor: 0.24 (-0.23, 0.72)
inter: 0.33 (-0.32, 0.98)
fores: 0.2 (-0.19, 0.6)
Phylogenetic half life: 6.35
Tree height: 28.34

Trait: dors
nonfor: 0.04 (-0.04, 0.12)
inter: 0.15 (-0.14, 0.44)
fores: 0 (0, 0.01)
Phylogenetic half life: 3.68
Tree height: 28.34

Trait: vent
nonfor: 0.05 (-0.05, 0.14)
inter: 0.32 (-0.3, 0.93)
fores: -0.03 (0.03, -0.08)
Phylogenetic half life: 5.43
Tree height: 28.34

It does seem that you don't have a lot of ability to tell optima apart. The
alpha value is pretty low, though not tremendously (the half life is a good
way to look at that). But the raw data also suggest it's not three very
clear clumps (beeswarm plot, regimes on the x axis, trait 1 value on the
y). It's not phylogenetically corrected, but still a good gut check:

I agree that for your data, it may be that simpler models work better. It
could also explain why you're getting crazy theta values for models with V
or A allowed to vary: without strong attraction, it's hard to figure out
what the attraction is towards, and especially for the third regime, with
only 11 data points, there probably isn't a lot of info to estimate many
parameters for just that regime.



data <- read.csv("~/Downloads/OUM_PARAMS_ant_f.csv", row.names=1)

traits <- colnames(data)

regimes <- c("nonfor", "inter", "fores")

observations <- list()

for (trait.index in sequence(length(traits))) {
cat(paste("\n\nTrait:", traits[trait.index]))
for (regime.index in sequence(length(regimes))) {
point.estimate <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]),
se <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]),
result.vector <- round(c(point.estimate,point.estimate-1.96*se,
cat(paste0("\n",regimes[regime.index], ": ", result.vector[1], "
(", result.vector[2], ", ", result.vector[3], ")"))
if (trait.index==1) {
observations[[regime.index]] <-
cat(paste0("\nPhylogenetic half life: ", round(log(2)/data["alpha",
traits[trait.index]], 2)))
cat(paste0("\nTree height: ",

points.to.plot <- bla$data[,1:2]
colnames(points.to.plot) <- c("regime", "trait1")
beeswarm(trait1~regime, data=points.to.plot, col="black", pch=20)

Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info, especially Calendar
<http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV
<http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback

Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for
Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org> (NIMBioS)
Even if those models may fit the data better, they may not necessarily
help Rafael determine whether or not the parameter estimates of interest
are different across regimes (though perhaps BMS might be informative).
Rafael, maybe you could try fixing the ancestral regimes to match most
likely states for each node from your SIMMAP summary? I wonder if that
might decrease your ‘uncertainty’ in parameter estimates.
I don’t have a great answer for your main question though, which is a good one.
Post by William Gearty
Hi Rafael,
Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the
Post by William Gearty
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should
Post by William Gearty
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could
Post by William Gearty
that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model isn't
necessarily suitable.
On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Rafael S Marcondes <
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models,
but I
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes
than on
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
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R-sig-phylo mailing list - R-sig-***@r-project.org
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-sig-***@r-project.org/
Brian O'Meara
2018-04-04 20:27:38 UTC
Apparently the plot did not come through correctly. I'm attaching a PDF of


Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info, especially Calendar
<http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV
<http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback

Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for
Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org> (NIMBioS)
Post by Brian O'Meara
Hi, Rafael et al.
The Hessian matrix is used as a means to estimate the approximate standard
errors of the model parameters and to assess whether they are the maximum
likelihood estimates. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated
values of alpha and sigma^2 are computed as the inverse of the Hessian
matrix and the standard errors are the square roots of the diagonals of
this matrix. The Hessian is a matrix of second-order derivatives and is
approximated in the R package numDeriv. So, if changes in the value of a
parameter results in sharp changes in the slope around the maximum of the
log-likelihood function, the second-order derivative will be large, the
standard error will be small, and the parameter estimate is considered
stable. On the other hand, if the second-order derivative is nearly zero,
then the change in the slope around the maximum is also nearly zero,
indicating that the parameter value can be moved in any direction without
greatly affecting the log-likelihood. In such situations, the standard
error of the parameter will be large.
For models that allow alpha and sigma^2 to vary (i.e., OUMV, OUMA, and
OUMVA), the complexity of the model can often times be greater than the
information that is contained within the data. As a result one or many
parameters are poorly estimated, which can cause the function to return a
log-likelihood that is suboptimal. This has great potential for poor model
choice and incorrect biological interpretations. An eigendecomposition of
the Hessian can provide an indication of whether the search returned the
maximum likelihood estimates. If all the eigenvalues of the Hessian are
positive, then the Hessian is positive definite, and all parameter
estimates are considered reliable. However, if there are both positive and
negative eigenvalues, then the objective function is at a saddlepoint and
one or several parameters cannot be estimated adequately. One solution is
to just fit a simpler model. Another is to actually identify the offending
parameters. This can be done through the examination of the eigenvectors.
The row order corresponds to the entries in index.matrix, the columns
correspond to the order of values in eigval, and the larger the value of
the row entry the greater the association between the corresponding
parameter and the eigenvalue. Thus, the largest values in the columns
associated with negative eigenvalues are the parameters that are causing
the objective function to be at a saddlepoint.
You can get better (by which I mean more accurate) estimates by
parametric bootstrapping (simulation).
Trait: contr
nonfor: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
inter: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
fores: 0.13 (-0.13, 0.39)
Phylogenetic half life: 0.06
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: cshd
nonfor: 0.24 (-0.23, 0.72)
inter: 0.33 (-0.32, 0.98)
fores: 0.2 (-0.19, 0.6)
Phylogenetic half life: 6.35
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: dors
nonfor: 0.04 (-0.04, 0.12)
inter: 0.15 (-0.14, 0.44)
fores: 0 (0, 0.01)
Phylogenetic half life: 3.68
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: vent
nonfor: 0.05 (-0.05, 0.14)
inter: 0.32 (-0.3, 0.93)
fores: -0.03 (0.03, -0.08)
Phylogenetic half life: 5.43
Tree height: 28.34
It does seem that you don't have a lot of ability to tell optima apart.
The alpha value is pretty low, though not tremendously (the half life is a
good way to look at that). But the raw data also suggest it's not three
very clear clumps (beeswarm plot, regimes on the x axis, trait 1 value on
I agree that for your data, it may be that simpler models work better. It
could also explain why you're getting crazy theta values for models with V
or A allowed to vary: without strong attraction, it's hard to figure out
what the attraction is towards, and especially for the third regime, with
only 11 data points, there probably isn't a lot of info to estimate many
parameters for just that regime.
data <- read.csv("~/Downloads/OUM_PARAMS_ant_f.csv", row.names=1)
traits <- colnames(data)
regimes <- c("nonfor", "inter", "fores")
observations <- list()
for (trait.index in sequence(length(traits))) {
cat(paste("\n\nTrait:", traits[trait.index]))
for (regime.index in sequence(length(regimes))) {
point.estimate <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]),
se <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]),
result.vector <- round(c(point.estimate,point.estimate-1.96*se,
cat(paste0("\n",regimes[regime.index], ": ", result.vector[1], "
(", result.vector[2], ", ", result.vector[3], ")"))
if (trait.index==1) {
observations[[regime.index]] <- bla$data[which(bla$data[,1]==regime.index),2]
cat(paste0("\nPhylogenetic half life: ", round(log(2)/data["alpha",
traits[trait.index]], 2)))
cat(paste0("\nTree height: ", round(max(ape::branching.
points.to.plot <- bla$data[,1:2]
colnames(points.to.plot) <- c("regime", "trait1")
beeswarm(trait1~regime, data=points.to.plot, col="black", pch=20)
Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info, especially Calendar
<http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV
<http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback
Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for
Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org> (NIMBioS)
Even if those models may fit the data better, they may not necessarily
help Rafael determine whether or not the parameter estimates of interest
are different across regimes (though perhaps BMS might be informative).
Rafael, maybe you could try fixing the ancestral regimes to match most
likely states for each node from your SIMMAP summary? I wonder if that
might decrease your ‘uncertainty’ in parameter estimates.
I don’t have a great answer for your main question though, which is a
good one.
Post by William Gearty
Hi Rafael,
Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the
Post by William Gearty
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should
Post by William Gearty
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could
Post by William Gearty
that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model isn't
necessarily suitable.
On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Rafael S Marcondes <
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models,
but I
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes
than on
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats
Post by William Gearty
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
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Marguerite Butler
2018-04-04 22:41:14 UTC
Aloha Rafael,

I am very glad that you are thinking about power of your analyses and confidence in your parameter estimates. Folks have chimed in with many useful responses, however, I believe your original question was whether uncertainty in parameter estimates indicate bad models and limits of interpretation?

It’s important to note that model fit and parameter estimates are two different aspects of assessment. It is perfectly possible to have robust model selection (decent power) but have parameters that have a lot of uncertainty and are hard to identify with any precision (large confidence intervals). That was pretty well demonstrated in Cressler, Butler, King 2015. The specific outcome is data and model dependent, but as a generalization, model selection is more robust than parameter estimation, and within the parameters, the position of the thetas are a little bit easier to narrow down than the alphas and sigmas.

This is not too surprising when you think about the information content of the data. We are really trying to fit some relatively complex models with few data (one point per species, with phylogenetic structure to boot), and the intuitive interpretation is that there are many ways to the same outcome. If the outcome is the particular pattern of phenotypes along the tree, it might be possible to get that outcome with strong selection and little stochasticity, or weak selection toward optima very far apart (and the observed phenotypes are essentially “on the way” toward the optima), or very weak selection and strong stochasticity (they were just knocked about that way by drift), etc. While this last scenario is most different than the first two (the first two are more OU-type, whereas the last is more BM-like in being dominated by stochasticity), my point is that there may not necessarily be a unique set of parameters that explain the data.

Nevertheless, it may still be possible to say something biologically useful. First of all, I noticed that you are doing SIMMAP which is great for exploring phylogenetic uncertainty, but this is a bit arms-length with regard to OU parameter and model uncertainty. A bit apples and oranges. I would strongly recommend that you try some parametric bootstrapping on your OU models for both model selection and parameter estimation. In OUCH, there are built-in facilities to make this really easy, probably there are in OUwie as well (sorry I only stick with OUCH :). The key for the model selection bootstrap is that you can simulate the data using the best-fit model, but then fit all of the alternative models to see how often your best model performs. I like to point folks to my former grad student’s paper (Scales et al 2009). If you want to be even more stastically thorough you can do the Botteinger, Coop, and Ralph 2012 approach which basically does parametric simulations on both the best and alternative models. The parametric bootstraps on the parameter estimates is much easier. and you can just run the simulations and fit only the best model and draw your CI’s from that. Maybe you’ve done this already.

With regard to what can be said, as Liam and Brian and others have said, many times there are large CIs because we encounter flat or ridged likelihood surfaces. So that may limit your conclusions somewhat to saying something like we don’t know what alpha is, precisely, but we know it’s greater than zero. Etc. In your specific case, what you want to know is whether theta 1 > theta 2, or something like that, right? So without needing to know the precise location of the theta’s I would bet that you can look through your parametric simulations and see how often that condition is satisfied. You may find that you don’t know what they are exactly, but one is always greater than the other.

I love your study question by the way. I too study colorful organisms in bright and dark habitats. Best of luck!


Cressler C., Butler M.A., and King A. A. (2015) Detecting adaptive evolution in phylogenetic comparative analysis using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. Sys. Bio. 64(6):953-968. DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syv043

Scales J.A., King A.A., and Butler M.A. (2009) Running for your life or running for your dinner: What drives fiber-type evolution in lizard locomotor muscles? Am. Nat.173:543-553. DOI: 10.1086/597613

Boettinger C., Coop G., and P. Ralph (2012) Is your phylogeny informative? Measuring the power of comparative methods. Evolution 66-7: 2240-51. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01574.x
Apparently the plot did not come through correctly. I'm attaching a PDF of it.
Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info <http://www.brianomeara.info/>, especially Calendar <http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV <http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback <http://brianomeara.info/teaching/feedback/>
Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org/> (NIMBioS)
Hi, Rafael et al.
The Hessian matrix is used as a means to estimate the approximate standard errors of the model parameters and to assess whether they are the maximum likelihood estimates. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated values of alpha and sigma^2 are computed as the inverse of the Hessian matrix and the standard errors are the square roots of the diagonals of this matrix. The Hessian is a matrix of second-order derivatives and is approximated in the R package numDeriv. So, if changes in the value of a parameter results in sharp changes in the slope around the maximum of the log-likelihood function, the second-order derivative will be large, the standard error will be small, and the parameter estimate is considered stable. On the other hand, if the second-order derivative is nearly zero, then the change in the slope around the maximum is also nearly zero, indicating that the parameter value can be moved in any direction without greatly affecting the log-likelihood. In such situations, the standard error of the parameter will be large.
For models that allow alpha and sigma^2 to vary (i.e., OUMV, OUMA, and OUMVA), the complexity of the model can often times be greater than the information that is contained within the data. As a result one or many parameters are poorly estimated, which can cause the function to return a log-likelihood that is suboptimal. This has great potential for poor model choice and incorrect biological interpretations. An eigendecomposition of the Hessian can provide an indication of whether the search returned the maximum likelihood estimates. If all the eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive, then the Hessian is positive definite, and all parameter estimates are considered reliable. However, if there are both positive and negative eigenvalues, then the objective function is at a saddlepoint and one or several parameters cannot be estimated adequately. One solution is to just fit a simpler model. Another is to actually identify the offending parameters. This can be done through the examination of the eigenvectors. The row order corresponds to the entries in index.matrix, the columns correspond to the order of values in eigval, and the larger the value of the row entry the greater the association between the corresponding parameter and the eigenvalue. Thus, the largest values in the columns associated with negative eigenvalues are the parameters that are causing the objective function to be at a saddlepoint.
You can get better (by which I mean more accurate) estimates by parametric bootstrapping (simulation).
Trait: contr
nonfor: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
inter: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
fores: 0.13 (-0.13, 0.39)
Phylogenetic half life: 0.06
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: cshd
nonfor: 0.24 (-0.23, 0.72)
inter: 0.33 (-0.32, 0.98)
fores: 0.2 (-0.19, 0.6)
Phylogenetic half life: 6.35
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: dors
nonfor: 0.04 (-0.04, 0.12)
inter: 0.15 (-0.14, 0.44)
fores: 0 (0, 0.01)
Phylogenetic half life: 3.68
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: vent
nonfor: 0.05 (-0.05, 0.14)
inter: 0.32 (-0.3, 0.93)
fores: -0.03 (0.03, -0.08)
Phylogenetic half life: 5.43
Tree height: 28.34
I agree that for your data, it may be that simpler models work better. It could also explain why you're getting crazy theta values for models with V or A allowed to vary: without strong attraction, it's hard to figure out what the attraction is towards, and especially for the third regime, with only 11 data points, there probably isn't a lot of info to estimate many parameters for just that regime.
data <- read.csv("~/Downloads/OUM_PARAMS_ant_f.csv", row.names=1)
traits <- colnames(data)
regimes <- c("nonfor", "inter", "fores")
observations <- list()
for (trait.index in sequence(length(traits))) {
cat(paste("\n\nTrait:", traits[trait.index]))
for (regime.index in sequence(length(regimes))) {
point.estimate <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]), traits[trait.index]]
se <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]), traits[trait.index]]
result.vector <- round(c(point.estimate,point.estimate-1.96*se, point.estimate+1.96*se),2)
cat(paste0("\n",regimes[regime.index], ": ", result.vector[1], " (", result.vector[2], ", ", result.vector[3], ")"))
if (trait.index==1) {
observations[[regime.index]] <- bla$data[which(bla$data[,1]==regime.index),2]
cat(paste0("\nPhylogenetic half life: ", round(log(2)/data["alpha", traits[trait.index]], 2)))
cat(paste0("\nTree height: ", round(max(ape::branching.times(bla$phy)),2)))
points.to.plot <- bla$data[,1:2]
colnames(points.to.plot) <- c("regime", "trait1")
beeswarm(trait1~regime, data=points.to.plot, col="black", pch=20)
Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info <http://www.brianomeara.info/>, especially Calendar <http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV <http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback <http://brianomeara.info/teaching/feedback/>
Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org/> (NIMBioS)
Even if those models may fit the data better, they may not necessarily help Rafael determine whether or not the parameter estimates of interest are different across regimes (though perhaps BMS might be informative).
Rafael, maybe you could try fixing the ancestral regimes to match most likely states for each node from your SIMMAP summary? I wonder if that might decrease your ‘uncertainty’ in parameter estimates.
I don’t have a great answer for your main question though, which is a good one.
Post by William Gearty
Hi Rafael,
Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the AICc
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should make
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could indicate
that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model isn't
necessarily suitable.
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color varies
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models, but I
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically given
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other selective
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes than on
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats tend
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/ <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r- <http://www.mail-archive.com/r->
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
williamgearty.com <http://williamgearty.com/>
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
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https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
Marguerite A. Butler
Associate Professor

Department of Biology
2538 McCarthy Mall, Edmondson Hall 216
Honolulu, HI 96822

Office: 808-956-4713
Dept: 808-956-8617
Lab: 808-956-5867
FAX: 808-956-4745

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R-sig-phylo mailing list - R-sig-***@r-project.org
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-sig-***@r-project.org/
Masahito Tsuboi
2018-04-05 06:38:06 UTC
Dear R-sig-phylo contributors,

Thanks a lot for sharing your illuminating thoughts on the list.

I agree with points raised by others, and I'd like to add one suggestion. As already mentioned by several, alpha and sigma-squared can be hard to estimate with certainty. However, in some cases, the stationary variance (sigma-squared/2 alpha) converges well while sigma-squared and alpha separately do not. What such case means is that the expected amount of variance at an OU equilibria (= stationary variances) can be estimated reliably, but how long adaptation takes to get there (= alpha, or half life, log(2)/alpha) is highly uncertain. I thus would suggest Rafael to compute stationary variances from estimated sigma-squared and alpha, and see if you can make a better sense.

Good luck. Thanks again for putting an interesting question on the table and for sharing thoughts.

Post by Marguerite Butler
Aloha Rafael,
I am very glad that you are thinking about power of your analyses and confidence in your parameter estimates. Folks have chimed in with many useful responses, however, I believe your original question was whether uncertainty in parameter estimates indicate bad models and limits of interpretation?
It’s important to note that model fit and parameter estimates are two different aspects of assessment. It is perfectly possible to have robust model selection (decent power) but have parameters that have a lot of uncertainty and are hard to identify with any precision (large confidence intervals). That was pretty well demonstrated in Cressler, Butler, King 2015. The specific outcome is data and model dependent, but as a generalization, model selection is more robust than parameter estimation, and within the parameters, the position of the thetas are a little bit easier to narrow down than the alphas and sigmas.
This is not too surprising when you think about the information content of the data. We are really trying to fit some relatively complex models with few data (one point per species, with phylogenetic structure to boot), and the intuitive interpretation is that there are many ways to the same outcome. If the outcome is the particular pattern of phenotypes along the tree, it might be possible to get that outcome with strong selection and little stochasticity, or weak selection toward optima very far apart (and the observed phenotypes are essentially “on the way” toward the optima), or very weak selection and strong stochasticity (they were just knocked about that way by drift), etc. While this last scenario is most different than the first two (the first two are more OU-type, whereas the last is more BM-like in being dominated by stochasticity), my point is that there may not necessarily be a unique set of parameters that explain the data.
Nevertheless, it may still be possible to say something biologically useful. First of all, I noticed that you are doing SIMMAP which is great for exploring phylogenetic uncertainty, but this is a bit arms-length with regard to OU parameter and model uncertainty. A bit apples and oranges. I would strongly recommend that you try some parametric bootstrapping on your OU models for both model selection and parameter estimation. In OUCH, there are built-in facilities to make this really easy, probably there are in OUwie as well (sorry I only stick with OUCH :). The key for the model selection bootstrap is that you can simulate the data using the best-fit model, but then fit all of the alternative models to see how often your best model performs. I like to point folks to my former grad student’s paper (Scales et al 2009). If you want to be even more stastically thorough you can do the Botteinger, Coop, and Ralph 2012 approach which basically does parametric simulations on both the best and alternative models. The parametric bootstraps on the parameter estimates is much easier. and you can just run the simulations and fit only the best model and draw your CI’s from that. Maybe you’ve done this already.
With regard to what can be said, as Liam and Brian and others have said, many times there are large CIs because we encounter flat or ridged likelihood surfaces. So that may limit your conclusions somewhat to saying something like we don’t know what alpha is, precisely, but we know it’s greater than zero. Etc. In your specific case, what you want to know is whether theta 1 > theta 2, or something like that, right? So without needing to know the precise location of the theta’s I would bet that you can look through your parametric simulations and see how often that condition is satisfied. You may find that you don’t know what they are exactly, but one is always greater than the other.
I love your study question by the way. I too study colorful organisms in bright and dark habitats. Best of luck!
Cressler C., Butler M.A., and King A. A. (2015) Detecting adaptive evolution in phylogenetic comparative analysis using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. Sys. Bio. 64(6):953-968. DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syv043
Scales J.A., King A.A., and Butler M.A. (2009) Running for your life or running for your dinner: What drives fiber-type evolution in lizard locomotor muscles? Am. Nat.173:543-553. DOI: 10.1086/597613
Boettinger C., Coop G., and P. Ralph (2012) Is your phylogeny informative? Measuring the power of comparative methods. Evolution 66-7: 2240-51. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01574.x
Apparently the plot did not come through correctly. I'm attaching a PDF of it.
Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info <http://www.brianomeara.info/>, especially Calendar <http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV <http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback <http://brianomeara.info/teaching/feedback/>
Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org/> (NIMBioS)
Hi, Rafael et al.
The Hessian matrix is used as a means to estimate the approximate standard errors of the model parameters and to assess whether they are the maximum likelihood estimates. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated values of alpha and sigma^2 are computed as the inverse of the Hessian matrix and the standard errors are the square roots of the diagonals of this matrix. The Hessian is a matrix of second-order derivatives and is approximated in the R package numDeriv. So, if changes in the value of a parameter results in sharp changes in the slope around the maximum of the log-likelihood function, the second-order derivative will be large, the standard error will be small, and the parameter estimate is considered stable. On the other hand, if the second-order derivative is nearly zero, then the change in the slope around the maximum is also nearly zero, indicating that the parameter value can be moved in any direction without greatly affecting the log-likelihood. In such situations, the standard error of the parameter will be large.
For models that allow alpha and sigma^2 to vary (i.e., OUMV, OUMA, and OUMVA), the complexity of the model can often times be greater than the information that is contained within the data. As a result one or many parameters are poorly estimated, which can cause the function to return a log-likelihood that is suboptimal. This has great potential for poor model choice and incorrect biological interpretations. An eigendecomposition of the Hessian can provide an indication of whether the search returned the maximum likelihood estimates. If all the eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive, then the Hessian is positive definite, and all parameter estimates are considered reliable. However, if there are both positive and negative eigenvalues, then the objective function is at a saddlepoint and one or several parameters cannot be estimated adequately. One solution is to just fit a simpler model. Another is to actually identify the offending parameters. This can be done through the examination of the eigenvectors. The row order corresponds to the entries in index.matrix, the columns correspond to the order of values in eigval, and the larger the value of the row entry the greater the association between the corresponding parameter and the eigenvalue. Thus, the largest values in the columns associated with negative eigenvalues are the parameters that are causing the objective function to be at a saddlepoint.
You can get better (by which I mean more accurate) estimates by parametric bootstrapping (simulation).
Trait: contr
nonfor: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
inter: 0.12 (-0.12, 0.36)
fores: 0.13 (-0.13, 0.39)
Phylogenetic half life: 0.06
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: cshd
nonfor: 0.24 (-0.23, 0.72)
inter: 0.33 (-0.32, 0.98)
fores: 0.2 (-0.19, 0.6)
Phylogenetic half life: 6.35
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: dors
nonfor: 0.04 (-0.04, 0.12)
inter: 0.15 (-0.14, 0.44)
fores: 0 (0, 0.01)
Phylogenetic half life: 3.68
Tree height: 28.34
Trait: vent
nonfor: 0.05 (-0.05, 0.14)
inter: 0.32 (-0.3, 0.93)
fores: -0.03 (0.03, -0.08)
Phylogenetic half life: 5.43
Tree height: 28.34
I agree that for your data, it may be that simpler models work better. It could also explain why you're getting crazy theta values for models with V or A allowed to vary: without strong attraction, it's hard to figure out what the attraction is towards, and especially for the third regime, with only 11 data points, there probably isn't a lot of info to estimate many parameters for just that regime.
data <- read.csv("~/Downloads/OUM_PARAMS_ant_f.csv", row.names=1)
traits <- colnames(data)
regimes <- c("nonfor", "inter", "fores")
observations <- list()
for (trait.index in sequence(length(traits))) {
cat(paste("\n\nTrait:", traits[trait.index]))
for (regime.index in sequence(length(regimes))) {
point.estimate <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]), traits[trait.index]]
se <- data[paste0("theta.",regimes[regime.index]), traits[trait.index]]
result.vector <- round(c(point.estimate,point.estimate-1.96*se, point.estimate+1.96*se),2)
cat(paste0("\n",regimes[regime.index], ": ", result.vector[1], " (", result.vector[2], ", ", result.vector[3], ")"))
if (trait.index==1) {
observations[[regime.index]] <- bla$data[which(bla$data[,1]==regime.index),2]
cat(paste0("\nPhylogenetic half life: ", round(log(2)/data["alpha", traits[trait.index]], 2)))
cat(paste0("\nTree height: ", round(max(ape::branching.times(bla$phy)),2)))
points.to.plot <- bla$data[,1:2]
colnames(points.to.plot) <- c("regime", "trait1")
beeswarm(trait1~regime, data=points.to.plot, col="black", pch=20)
Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info <http://www.brianomeara.info/>, especially Calendar <http://brianomeara.info/calendars/omeara/>, CV <http://brianomeara.info/cv/>, and Feedback <http://brianomeara.info/teaching/feedback/>
Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for Mathematical & Biological Synthesis <http://www.nimbios.org/> (NIMBioS)
Even if those models may fit the data better, they may not necessarily help Rafael determine whether or not the parameter estimates of interest are different across regimes (though perhaps BMS might be informative).
Rafael, maybe you could try fixing the ancestral regimes to match most likely states for each node from your SIMMAP summary? I wonder if that might decrease your ‘uncertainty’ in parameter estimates.
I don’t have a great answer for your main question though, which is a good one.
Post by William Gearty
Hi Rafael,
Have you tried running the BM1, BMS, or OU1 models? If so, how do the AICc
values for those compare to those of the OUM model? If not, you should make
sure you run those.
If you find that the these models fit your data better, this could indicate
that there isn't a large different across regimes and an OUM model isn't
necessarily suitable.
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color varies
across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229 tips. I was
hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA models, but I
was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So I've basically given
up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other selective
regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are these erros
calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological inferences I
can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across regimes than on
the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in darker habitats tend
to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/ <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r- <http://www.mail-archive.com/r->
William Gearty
PhD Candidate, Paleobiology
Department of Geological Sciences
Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
williamgearty.com <http://williamgearty.com/>
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-phylo>
Marguerite A. Butler
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
2538 McCarthy Mall, Edmondson Hall 216
Honolulu, HI 96822
Office: 808-956-4713
Dept: 808-956-8617
Lab: 808-956-5867
FAX: 808-956-4745
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R-sig-phylo mailing list - R-sig-***@r-project.org
Searchable archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/r-sig-***@r-project.org/
Liam J. Revell
2018-04-04 20:10:40 UTC
Dear Rafael.

I believe the standard errors are computed from (negative inverse of)
the Hessian matrix - which is a matrix containing the second-order
partial derivatives (or some numerical approximation of them) from the
likelihood surface.

These values are measurements of the curvature of the likelihood
surface. If the likelihood surface is highly curved (downwards, that is
negatively) then this means that the ML solution is much more likely
than other nearby possibilities, and the negative inverse of this value
is a small quantity - indicating little variance (i.e., uncertainty) in
the estimated parameter. Conversely, a large standard error (the square
of which is the variance) indicates that the likelihood surface is very
flat (that is, it has a very small negative curvature) around the ML

In your particular case broadly overlapping CIs for the parameter
estimates (which can be computed as theta+-1.96*SE) of theta probably
mean that the 'adaptive peaks' of different regimes can't be
distinguished one from the other; whereas a CI for alpha that included
zero (for instance) might suggest that a BM model probably better fits
the data.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell, Associate Professor of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
& Profesor Asociado, Programa de Biología
Universidad del Rosario
web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
Post by Rafael S Marcondes
Dear all,
I'm writing (again!) to ask for help interpreting standard errors of
parameter estimates in OUwie models.
I'm using OUwie to examine how the evolution of bird plumage color
varies across habitat types (my selective regimes) in a tree of 229
tips. I was hoping to be able to make inferences based on OUMV and OUMVA
models, but I was getting nonsensical theta estimates from those. So
I've basically given up on them for now.
But even looking at theta estimates from OUM models, I'm getting really
large standard errors, often overlapping the estimates from other
selective regimes. So I was wondering what that means exactly. How are
these erros calculated? How much do high errors it limit the biological
inferences I can make? I'm more interested in the relative thetas across
regimes than on the exact values (testing the prediction that birds in
darker habitats tend to adapt to darker plumages than birds in more
illuminated habitats).
I have attached a table averaging parameter estimates and errors from
models fitted across a posterior distribution of 100 simmaps for four
traits; and one exemplar fitted model from one trait in one of those
Thanks a lot for any help,
*Rafael Sobral Marcondes*
PhD Candidate (Systematics, Ecology and Evolution/Ornithology)
Museum of Natural Science <http://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/>
Louisiana State University
119 Foster Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
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