Hi Zach,
In addition to SLOUCH (for a OU tracking a BM process) you can use mvMORPH
for fitting a model where a trait evolving under an OU process follow
another trait evolving under OU with some evolutionary lag (see p. 14-15 of
the package vignette “How to use mvMORPH”).
Best wishes,
*De :* R-sig-phylo de la part de
Brian O'Meara
*Envoyé :* mercredi 4 avril 2018 22:39
*À :* Zach Culumber
*Cc :* mailman, r-sig-phylo
*Objet :* Re: [R-sig-phylo] quantitative state dependent diversification
of another quantitative trait
One trait evolves under Brownian motion, another trait follows it.
Brian O'Meara, http://www.brianomeara.info, especially Calendar
, CV
, and Feedback
Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Head, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UT Knoxville
Associate Director for Postdoctoral Activities, National Institute for
Mathematical & Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
Hi everyone,
We are interested in examining whether shifts in one continuous trait
preceded shifts in another continuous trait through evolutionary time
for a
phylogeny of ~80 species. To do this we were thinking of calculating the
change in the value of each trait for each tip to its most recent
(i.e., node) and then for each node to its most recent ancestral node.
have all the tip values and conducted ASR to get the node values.
we are unaware of any functions or packages that would automate
of all these distances for teach tip and node to its most recent
Does anyone have any suggestions of functions or packages that might
possibly do this? Alternatively, are there better existing options for
exploring this question? I.e., something similar to QuaSSE but for
between two quantitative traits rather than traits and species
diversification? Something like Bayes Traits or PGLS would allow tests
correlated evolution, but not the order of evolutionary shifts.
Thank you for any insights!
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Zachary W. Culumber